Sci-Fi Paranormal Romance Author

Veredian Chronicles
Book 3
Riding the fine line between love and hate.
Sevina has never known life outside a slave ship… until today. At twenty-two, she’s sent to Eryon Valis, a Korlethean slave with whom she must mate as part of their master’s psi breeding program. When a prophecy sets a target on her, Eryon secretly shields her and their unborn daughter from those who would harm them.
Unbeknownst to Sevina, her mother Maheva faces her own emotional turmoil while playing a dangerous game to protect her children from the crew and the twisted Guldan beliefs of their Master Gruuk.
As one tragedy compounds another, will Fate forsake them or set the path to a better future?

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The book is full of difficult choices that give a lot of food for thoughts and leaves you wishing for more.
Nero Seal - Author
Emotional. Suspense. Mysterious. Raising Amalia explored a high paced and out of this world storyline that gripped me.
Tanaka Kangara - The Romantic Angel Book Blog